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Lunik 200 claw

milkrite | InterPuls patented Lunik 200 is an innovative claw ideal for bucket and pipeline milking systems. The internal shape and the central positioned milk outlet tube eliminates swirling and brakes up for smoother evacuation of milk out of the claw. The Lunik 200 claw is made of durable, high impact, lightweight, food grade thermoplastic material. It is very comfortable to handle, easy “two parts only” to clean and the unique shut-off valve system makes the Lunik 200 a unique product in its category.

Milking Machine – Milking Systems - Milking Equipment - 1579003 -LUNIK 200 - Claws - Lunik 200 claw 1579003 LUNIK 200
Milking Machine – Milking Systems - Milking Equipment - 1579005 -MASTER LUNIK 200    (27X1579004) - Claws - Lunik 200 claw 1579005 MASTER LUNIK 200 (27X1579004)
InterPuls S.p.A. | via F.Maritano, 11 | 42020 - Albinea RE - Italy | Tel. +39 0522 347511 | Fax +39 0522 348516 | sales.albinea@milkrite-interpuls.com
Registro Imprese di RE n. 01259470357 - Cap. Soc. € 980.400,00 i.v. - P.IVA 01259470357
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