Lunik350 is the claw designed by milkrite | InterPuls for high genetic cows milking.
Its design makes this product rather appealing and guarantees a high milk evacuation capacity without foam, thus ensuring a stable vacuum level.

High evacuation capacity
High vacuum level stability
Practical and ergonomic
Differentiated milk inlets for a perfect adaptation to modern morphologies
Balanced bracket and lower bowl adjustable by 0, 90,180 and 270 degrees
Anti-cross contamination separation cross
Better adhesion on the nipples thanks to the floating Pulsation cross
Linear internal design to guarantee An effective cleaning
Maintenance free
Food grade plastic material resistant to acids and to high temperatures
Faster milking
Less stress for the animals
Adjustable bracket & plastic bowl by 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees

Differentiated milk inlets compared with standard claw
Capacity: 350cc
Cover: Stainless Steel
Shut-off: with or without valve
Bracket: standard or ACR
Pulsation Cross: Side by Side or Front/Rear
Milk Outlet tube ID: 16mm
Milk inlet nipples OD: 13mm or 15mm
Milk Inlet nipples shape : diagonal or straight cut
Milk Inlet nipples angle: 30 or 45 degrees
Weight: 600g