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Vacuum Pulsators L02

The L02 vacuum Pulsator represents the best available today in terms of simplicity, precision, sturdiness and reliability. It has been designed with great attention to detail for a complete animal milk out, to promote good udder health and to make life easier for the farmer.


• Excellent milking and massage phases to guarantee fast, complete and uniform milking of each udder quarter, whilst ensuring effective teat decongestion
• SUREMATCH - the synthetic “space-age” material of the valve plate - is virtually indestructible and resistant to corrosion, whilst the slide has self-lubricating properties to ensure constant, reliable long-term performance. Thanks to SUREMATCH innovation, Pulsation rate accuracy is assured even in critical conditions, as high relative humidity, sudden changes of temperature and dusty environments
• Pulsation rate is adjustable in the range 50 - 180 ppm over an operating vacuum range of 35 - 50 kPa. Ratio is also user-selectable, according to individual needs, at 50:50, 60:40, 65:35 or 70:30
• The main diaphragms are moulded in a new compound which is virtually impermeable and resistant to fatigue in order to guarantee reliable, consistent operation of the Pulsator. The regularity of Pulsation between one milking and the next is one of the elements contributory to reducing the animals’ stress
• The Pulsator is also available for connection to a filtered air line, thereby further improving internal cleanliness and long-term reliability
• Quick and simple maintenance. A complete service can be carried out in a few minutes.

Milking Machine – Milking Systems - Milking Equipment - 1059029 -L02 - 2EXITS - 60/40 - S/S COVER - Пульсация - Vacuum Pulsators L02 1059029 L02 - 2EXITS - 60/40 - S/S COVER
Milking Machine – Milking Systems - Milking Equipment - 1059030 -L02 - 2EXITS - 50/50 - S/S COVER - Пульсация - Vacuum Pulsators L02 1059030 L02 - 2EXITS - 50/50 - S/S COVER
Milking Machine – Milking Systems - Milking Equipment - 1059031 -L02 - 2EXITS - 65/35 - S/S COVER - Пульсация - Vacuum Pulsators L02 1059031 L02 - 2EXITS - 65/35 - S/S COVER
Milking Machine – Milking Systems - Milking Equipment - 1059033 -L02 - 4EXITS - 60/40 - S/S COVER - Пульсация - Vacuum Pulsators L02 1059033 L02 - 4EXITS - 60/40 - S/S COVER
Milking Machine – Milking Systems - Milking Equipment - 1059034 -L02 - 4EXITS - 50/50 - S/S COVER - Пульсация - Vacuum Pulsators L02 1059034 L02 - 4EXITS - 50/50 - S/S COVER
Milking Machine – Milking Systems - Milking Equipment - 1059096 -L02 Stainless Steel STD 60/40 90 PMM - Пульсация - Vacuum Pulsators L02 1059096 L02 Stainless Steel STD 60/40 90 PMM
InterPuls S.p.A. | via F.Maritano, 11 | 42020 - Albinea RE - Italy | Tel. +39 0522 347511 | Fax +39 0522 348516 | sales.albinea@milkrite-interpuls.com
Registro Imprese di RE n. 01259470357 - Cap. Soc. € 980.400,00 i.v. - P.IVA 01259470357
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