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5640010 - DHM 401 Professional Kit 1CH X Manual ID

Milking Machine – Milking Systems - Milking Equipment - 5640010 - DHM 401 Professional Kit 1CH X Manual ID - Ведро & Молокопровод - Portable iMilk401

The software Dairy Herd Managment permits to download and understand the dairy herd production data collected by iMilk401 panels.
During the washing phase the milking information are downloaded into the PC.

InterPuls S.p.A. | via F.Maritano, 11 | 42020 - Albinea RE - Italy | Tel. +39 0522 347511 | Fax +39 0522 348516 | sales.albinea@milkrite-interpuls.com
Registro Imprese di RE n. 01259470357 - Cap. Soc. € 980.400,00 i.v. - P.IVA 01259470357
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